Leverage your resources
Improve effectiveness, quality and morale with proven agile best practices

Many years of experience have given Newgrange Technologies a deep insight into patterns that increase success. It has also shown us how to avoid pitfalls that reduce effectiveness.

Our experts help you implement clear processes and guidelines that foster teamwork, agility and creativity.

We take the time to understand your needs, your objectives, your priorities and your team. We provide simple tools with clear guidelines that accelerate progress, increase quality and enhance visibility into key metrics across your IT organization.


Attack your priorities sooner with clear agreed upon roadmaps.

Adopt truly agile processes and maximise creativity, morale and productivity.

Avoid the all too common pitfalls of "fake agile". Reduce confusion, technical debt, complexity and defects.

Capitalize on today's hybrid work environment.


Improve visibility, monitoring and systems analytics. Get live insight into key performance indicators and potential issues.

Ensure scalability, security and repeatability with our verified IaC and CI/CD workflows.

Adapt flexible techniques to deploy anywhere: from public/private cloud to local developer environments. Reduce developer onboarding time and enable team members to contribute across more components.

QA and verification

Produce complete verification reports that ensure compliance and test coverage.

Improve manual and automated test coverage with our "requirements first" review processes.

Combine unit, integration and end to end tests with clear guidelines.

Systems architecture

Select best of breed components for your system to improve performance while reducing costs

Apply best practices for secure, scalable high performance.

Our committed team of experienced professionals are dedicated to bringing you superior results.

Contact us for a free consultation and find out how Newgrange Technologies can help your company succeed. Learn more about how we partner with you, on Our approach page.